Core identity

We seek a healthy, carbon-neutral economy that works for all people.

To discover and deploy the most effective energy solutions that strengthen the economy and improve the environment.
2021 by the numbers
Our communities
All told, we served more than 8,400 homes and businesses.
A total of 38 Midwest cities and 25 Twin Cities neighborhoods partnered with CEE’s lending program, Home Energy Squad, Partners in Energy, Save to Give, or the Kalamazoo Energy Collaborative.
Spotlight: Programs
Residential programs
Embracing strict health and safety protocols, we visited more than 6,600 homes and helped save energy totaling about 2.5 gigawatt hours and 17,000 dekatherms.
More than 1,100 Minnesotans called on CEE’s free Energy Advisor service to complete energy efficiency projects and earn rebates.
In partnership with Minnesota Energy Resources, the Authorized Insulation Contractors Program completed 26 on-site quality assurance inspections in 2021.
CEE’s New Homes program assessed a variety of energy ratings (HERS, ENERGY STAR, Zero Energy Ready Homes, etc.) for 119 single-family homes and 13 multifamily buildings, and certified five affordable housing projects.
Spotlight: Technical expertise
Commercial and industrial programs
One-Stop Efficiency Shop completed more than 2,100 lighting and HVAC improvement projects, leading to the conservation of 12.8 megawatts and more than 53 gigawatt hours of energy.
To drive those projects, One-Stop also helped local businesses leverage $7.3 million in utility rebates toward upgrades to achieve an estimated $5.1 million in annual savings.
Xcel Energy’s Commercial Refrigeration Efficiency program, delivered by CEE, disbursed $25,000 in rebates and helped 70 businesses upgrade equipment for first-year savings of over 500,000 kilowatt-hours.
CEE's building engineers managed nearly 20 large building projects, from ventilation analysis to new construction and commissioning, to address a variety of unique energy management needs.
Spotlight: Supportive legislature
Technical research
Minnesota Department of Commerce granted $2.4 million in Conservation Applied Research and Development (CARD) funding for 10 multiyear projects that CEE will either lead or participate in.
In 2021, CEE led or participated in 30 active research projects in collaboration with 22 research partners in Minnesota and around the country.
CEE's energy professionals participated in or presented at 32 energy conferences and community gatherings, most virtually, based throughout the upper Midwest and nationwide.
Spotlight: Finding solutions
CEE’s lending team issued more than $22.7 million in lending capital through nearly 1,200 homes and business improvements in Minnesota.
We issued 145 residential solar loans totaling $3.5 million, leading to the installation of 1,308 kilowatts of clean energy. By comparison, in 2019 we issued 89 loans for $2.4 million.
Spotlight: Energy planning
We produced or cross-published 44 earned media articles, 12 news releases, and 3 public statements on social or policy issues.
We served 3,553 subscribers through our monthly newsletters as well as industry emails with content for energy contractors, building operations, community energy planning, and more.
Our websites hosted 149,561 unique visitors who viewed 303,772 web pages. And we shared updates and insights with 9,819 followers on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Awards & recognitions
Tom Garry, Chairperson
Amanda Novak, Vice Chair
Nancy Tyra-Lukens, Treasurer
LisaBeth Barajas
Ralph Dickinson
Julia Donaldson
Jimmy Loyd
Non-voting Officers of the Corporation
Chris Duffrin, President
Stephanie Haddad, Corporate Secretary
Shonda Biddle, Director of Commercial and Industrial Energy Development
Dave Bohac, PE, Senior Director of Research
Chris Duffrin, President
Kristen Funk, Senior Director of Commercial and Industrial Energy
Cindy Greenwood, Director of Human Resources
Stephanie Haddad, Chief Operating Officer
Mark Hancock, PE, Director of Engineering
Tim Hanrahan, Director of Communications
Jim Hasnik, Director of Lending Services
Carl Nelson, Senior Director of Program Development
Rebecca Olson, Senior Director of Residential and Community Energy
Tom Spielman, Director of Information Technologies
Judy Thommes, Director of Operations
Meranda Wacek, Chief Financial Officer