Stay Warm in Minnesota: Heat Assistance Programs
Explore and take advantage of one of the following heating assistance programs so everyone can stay warm throughout winter.
In Minnesota’s climate, everyone experiences higher utility bills in the winter, no matter how efficient their homes. The yearly uptick in energy costs can be a significant financial burden for many families.
Fortunately, Minnesota law requires utilities to offer assistance programs to help keep families warm no matter their financial situation. If you or someone you know has trouble paying their heating bills, please explore and take advantage of one of the following great programs so everyone can stay warm throughout the winter.
- The Cold Weather Rule protects residents from having their heat shut off due to a failure to pay a bill between October 15 and April 15. To sign up, contact your utility and establish a monthly payment plan.
- The Energy Assistance Program gives money to qualified customers to help pay their heating bill. This program is available to both renters and homeowners. Funding is limited — applicants should sign up the summer before assistance will be needed.
- The Weatherization Assistance Program helps homeowners make their houses more energy efficient, permanently reducing their energy bills. Weatherization project assistance can take a number of forms, from education on energy- and cost-saving products and behaviors, to home audits, to financial assistance for specific projects, like adding insulation or air sealing.
- Additionally, CEE offers Low-Interest Financing to homeowners for energy efficiency and home improvement projects in Minnesota. As a nontraditional lender, CEE provides competitive rates, technical assistance, and a wide range of financing options that can be tailored to fit your budget.
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